Wired Reviews Charlie Weatherburn, And Likes It

Today the first review of my book appeared, not on a low-traffic blog belonging to a friend of mine, but on wired.com.

If you’re not familiar with wired.com, you may have seen the print version in your local newsagent. For nearly 20 years, Wired magazine has set the benchmark for reporting on technology and how it impacts culture, politics and the economy. It’s fair to say that many of my current views on freedom of speech, software patents and general politics have probably been largely shaped by articles that I’ve read in the magazine. I used to anticipate each issue with the same kind of excitement that was previously reserved for comic books when I was much younger. Additionally, when I first started building websites, wired.com’s Web Monkey resource was an invaluable reference.

In short, I’ve been a fan for a long while, so this review means a lot to me!

Matt’s illustrations are cartoonish and playful. I love his subtle use of the primary colors. But, his storytelling and ability to incorporate a wide range of mathematical and physics concepts into a book that is suitable for 4 to 8 year olds is where he excels.

I’m so glad that Dan and his kids enjoyed the book, and that he appreciated the effort that I put into getting the target audience excited about maths and physics. I hope you will too!

Read the review on wired.com »

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